Whether you require gift card boxes or card holders for placing business cards, all you need is an appealing printing to grab the people for your brand. Not only that the card holder printing communicates important info about your business, but it can do much more for your business if your printing meets the following requirements:
Get Printing On Both Sides: For business card holders, the biggest mistake that we usually see is not utilizing an entire space. Printing on both sides of the holder can allow you to engage maximum clients for a longer time period which can convert your fewer clients into innumerable ones.
Add All Important Information: Add all necessary information on the card holder that you consider is important for the clients. An ideal way to check that nothing has been left out is firstly jot down all the points on the paper like business name, contact details, email address and physical address. Some pieces of info may vary according to each business, but general info usually include these points.
Select The Right Font Style: Selecting a right font in printing that is easily readable is another puzzle that most people think. Use of highly scripted font may create a problem in reading. Likewise, adding too much information would also result in the use of smaller font that may again be difficult to decipher. So it is more appropriate to use simpler fonts for printing like Tahoma, Candara, Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Rockwell.
Add A Business Logo: The business card holder can play an important role in your company’s branding. When numerous clients enter into an office and you hand over the business card upon request, it should match with your card holder from fonts to colors, text and business logo.
Add Color Effects: If your business is using set brand colors, you can display them in printing of your card holders. This would allow you to strengthen your brand. This is the reason that renowned brands use the strategy of using particular color themes on all of their products.
Add A Picture: To give a unique design to your card holders, you can add a picture of your company. The best way is to select an image that can depict your business.
Use durable Material: To make your card holders durable and long lasting, you can use plastic or leather material in its manufacturing. Use of such material will give the holder a more attractive appearance than the plain card holders.